In Memory

Brock Livingston VIEW PROFILE

Brock Livingston

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02/16/24 09:11 PM #1    

Bonnie Brinkerhoff (Hobson)

We had such a great time as friends in high school.  He was my locker partener, and I'm not so sure how we pulled that off.  We had such a great time together at some dances and even dated once after high school.  I met up with him again at one of the reunions and we talked about the hard times he was having.  I am sorry he passed away too soon.  

05/01/24 03:02 PM #2    

Craig G. Smith

I first met Brock in Kindergarten.  

Even at such a young age he was the class clown and life of the party. Always fun to hang out with. 


Brock wrote an entry in my year book about how he enjoyed walking back and forth to Skyline together. We walked all of our sophomore year and part of our Jr. year before we got wheels. It was almost two miles so we had a lot of time to talk  and laugh. 

 There was a large group of us: Greg West, Craig Johnson, Gary Standing (RIP),  Steve Allred and Brock and I. Sometimes we could bum rides from parents, older brothers and sister or friends, but generally we all walked together. 


Brock was the first one to meet me as I walked into our 30th reunion at the GrandAmerica. That can be an awkward moment. It was great to see him. It had been a minute. As always he was so full of life and enthusiasm.  He Immediately made my wife and  I feel welcome.  Brock told me he spent most of his career as a steel worker and that he helped place the high steel beams in SLC’s tallest buildings. That is something to be proud of. 


Brock passed away just 5 years later. 

Too young. I miss him, his fun personality but most of all I miss his friendship. 

May God Bless Brock and his family for eternity. 

05/02/24 06:20 PM #3    

Chad Martin

Brock was my best friend from 7th grade through high school. he was so much fun to hang out with and was a great skiing partner. His family was so nice to let me live with them for several months so I could still attend Skyline when my family moved to Willow Creek. He was so kind to my kids when we visited Utah and did some handyman work for my mom right before he died and my mom always talks about how kind Brock was. We miss him!!  Thanks for all the memories. Best friend forever. Chad 

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